Page name: Fantasy Critters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-03 18:38:49
Last author: kanaseria
Owner: RenegadePhoenix
# of watchers: 39
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Welcome to Fantasy Critters United

A place where your fantasy self or critter can frolick... We are also a little nuts too O_o


Let your imagination run free

Welcome To Fantasy Critters United a place where you can come and frolick with your fantasy critter or if your a fantasy critter yourself... We welcome anything and everything! So please don't be shy and just add yourself to the list below as a member and please take a badge and place it on your Elftown page. If you need any help with anything or have any questions please contact me through elftown I am [RenegadePhoenix]! Alright have fun, look around as things keep changing so keep coming back to check up on us! :P


I will be making new badges now and then, if you have any suggestions or wish to submit a badge please contact me [RenegadePhoenix] and I will see what I can do. Thanks everyone and enjoy the current badges







I'm doing a badge trade For Dragons United so please check it out if you like dragons! <img:>

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I know you all you people out there want to be members so go right ahead to the members page and join up!!!

DON'T PANIC: ALL POEMS AND SHORT STORIES HAVE MOVES TO Fantasy Critters Writters! Please go right ahead and add more stuff

fantasy critters shortstories</center>

<center> Do you Have a passion for doodling and drawing? Well Please post your Fantasy Artwork up here Fantasy Critters Art work


Go here Fantasy Critters and Games for a new competitions, games and awards!

Sorry About the Changes Bare with me!

Do you have a picture of a critter you love? Do you want it to be a guardian of one of the Fantasy Critters United Wiki Pages? Send me a message to let me know of which location you want and let me see your pic and your Fantasy Critter may be a guardian! All spots are open... except for the front page, which the Moon Dragon is guardian of and the main Writters Page! but all other pages are currently open and waiting for guardians! So message me if your interested!


three contests geared towards all of our talented individuals in Fantasy Critters United. Stay posted for any updates, as well as to voluteer for various jobs. positions for badge makers, wiki creators, and much more are available. these individuals will also be placed upon a comitte that will help to develop future wiki ideas. message [kanaseria] if you're interested in helping

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2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: bob is my spider! she's a girl brown wolf spider who keeps the creepy crawlies away. ok techniquely she's not a pet seein as how she lives next 2 my bed n i never feed her, play with her, or take her out 4 walks but i do talk 2 her. she told me her name was bob

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Okay. So it has something to do with spiders and... sprouts? Or water cress? How do spiders tie in with garnish? Or cotton? Hell... How does garnish tie in with cotton? I am clueless..

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: How did she tell you that? ^^

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: OH!!! Okay!! So the spider is referring to the Bob comment!! Not the sandwich one!! hahaha! Sorry about that! ... I like very much your sandwich illustration... And say hi to Bob for me!! ^_^

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: No - the cotton and cress-thing has nothing to do with spiders and vice versa. The cress is something you can have on your sandwich - quite similar to sprouts. It's easy to soil - just on wet cotton or toilet paper.

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i can't find her! *looks under table & behind bed* n bob can talk! either that or i can speak spider... weird... BOB!!!!!!!!! WHERE R U!!!!!!!

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Oh. Hokey dokey! Thank you for clarifying!! Don't mind the blond moment....

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I'm blond, too ;)

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Awww. I hop e you find Bob. I used to have a spider named Ralph, actually. Same general idea, but he was on a web behind by dresser. Huge feaking spider...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i'm not! i gots brown hair with ginger n red highlights (n no1 believes me when i say it's natural)

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Ah. I am brunette. My best friend is blond... yep... that was random....

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i only like bob cuz she n me gots an understanding. i don't bother her, she gets all the bugs n stuff n don't bother me...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i dyed my hair red & purple once... teehee, that was fun

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Spiders mustn't need very much to eat. I mean - in the winter they live indoors, but what do they eat? There are no bugs then. ...

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: maybe they've just put their eggs somewhere...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I've never dyed my hair... cut it though. Wow was that a bad idea. I haven't cut it since...

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: I don't quite know how that works, either. Yeah. Maybe they lay egs and die, unless they can find someplace to live. How sad..

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: no!!!!!!! r u sayin bob might b dead!!!! bob noooooooo!!!!!!!!!! *cries* of course it don't get 2 cold in bermuda... still my mom mighta sprayed my room with baygon... BOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cries more*

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: No, if Bob the Spider is able to talk and understand you - she must be a special spider and is of course immortal. ... I dyed my hair purple once *high five*

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: No!! That wasn't what I was saying! I meant they'd die if they were outside! If she survived the winter inside, she's probably there someplace! She'll turn up... *Swings for high five. Misses. Re-adjusts pocket protector*...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: *points & giggles* bob! i found u! *watches spider crawl from underneath bed* bob!!!!! yay!!!!!!! hey east said ur imortal, is that true

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Yay!! I'm glad you found Bob! Hi bob!! *waves*

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Of course it's true. If I'm the wisest fantasy critter of all, it must be.

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: gasp! u r east? *watches as bob waves her little spider legs @ tyrana*

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Didn't you know that?

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: i probably did... i have an extreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemly bad memory... *makes bob tap dance across table*

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: heehee :) spider legs :) ... I wasn't aware that you were the wisest fantasy critter of all! Please expand!

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: *bob starts breakdancin* poppin n lockin fool! (little spider voice)

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: I am. *nodds assuring* What would this wiki become without me. *smiles* ... I have to go now, I'm afraid, I'll try to get some sleep....

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: sleep bad!!!!!!! coffee good *drinks coffee*

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Goodnight!!

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: What? *gasps* I happen to intend to sleep very well, thankyou.

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: ^_^ I should get some sleep too. I just remembered I have school tomorrow. And I have to get up early for jazz band (They scheduled Jazz bad for 7:00 inthe morning for some reason... I don't know...) Thank you for the wonderful conversation!! Goodnight, all (Yes, you too, bob) ::::) <-- heehee... spider smiley! ^_^

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: Doesn't seem to be the best time for a jazz concert, no... But have a good time. ::::)

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: bye bye! *waves. bob waves legs again* augh! just remembered gotta wake up @ 6:30 2morrow... it's almost midnite!

2004-04-29 [Tyrana]: Just rehersal, but it's still hard to drag myself out of bed... thank you! *yawns* I gotta sleep now...

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: welcome. bye

2004-04-29 [RavenTalon]: U found Bob!Yayyyy!

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: yup! i founds bob! go me!

2004-04-29 [GraphicEntropy]: Grrr, when is Elfwood coming back up...

2004-04-29 [Tigress Nera]: elfwoods back up already. i just went there.

2004-04-29 [Easterling]: It has been a little strange lately, hasn't it? I mean - in ET there have been some 'bugs', too. Suddenly, when you send something, it says "Page not found" and then you can't log in for some minutes...

2004-04-29 [RenegadePhoenix]: .......bob......spider.....legs? ..........Um..hi?

2004-04-29 [RavenTalon]: hi!You've missed a lot!

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: don't ya b jealous of my bob! *pets bob* good bob... nice girl...

2004-04-29 [RavenTalon]: o.0

2004-04-29 [kanaseria]: hehe... bob... bored...

2004-04-29 [Paul Doyle]: Who's Bob? Like Mr. Bill?

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: no, bob is the female wolf spider that lives next 2 my bed... even though she keeps disappearin

2004-04-30 [GraphicEntropy]: Huh? I keep on searching elfwood on google and going to the site, but it has the same message it's had for days! Can anyone else get on or not get on?

2004-04-30 [GraphicEntropy]: Wait, I figured it out. ARG, I've been waiting all these days, and it was up the whole time!

2004-04-30 [IndigoRose]: That happened to me too.......*hands on hips* so annoying........

2004-04-30 [GraphicEntropy]: Now Im sad. I got a nasty letter in my mailbox. I've never gotten one of those before... :(

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: uhh... y?

2004-04-30 [Easterling]: Nasty letter? Block that person, then.

2004-04-30 [GraphicEntropy]: I know...I sent a letter to the guards...I still feel a little upset though. Here is what the note said..."'re ugly has anybody told you that before or did you just get punched in the face!?!?!?!?" *sigh* I can't help but agree in a way.

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: never agree. u don't hafta b beautiful physically in order 2 b beautiful mentally and emotionally.

2004-04-30 [Tigress Nera]: it's what's inside that counts. who cares what ppl say? *hugs [GraphicEntropy]* FEEL BETTER!!!!!!!

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: *hugs [GraphicEntropy] 2* people suck!

2004-04-30 [Easterling]: That was a really mean thing to say. Now I'm really upset. And I absolutely don't agree with that. I like that photo of you.

2004-04-30 [RavenTalon]: I know...that guy is a Byitch!

2004-04-30 [Tyrana]: Hey! Yeah... Don't listen to people like that.. I had a guy say essentially the same thing, and I don't even have a pic up. And I personally find you to be very pretty... And that dragon profile rules!

2004-04-30 [Faelover]: Seriously don't listen to that guy- people like that insult others so that they don't feel like the failures they are

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: i think pics kewl. it looks like ur havin so much fun in it. misery loves company so that guy musta been miserable... stupid people

2004-04-30 [Faelover]: yup yup yup

2004-04-30 [Faelover]: hey how's bob?

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: can't find her again *sighs*

2004-04-30 [Faelover]: question if bob is a girl why is her name bob?

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: cuz she told me her name was bob... plus its eaiser 2 say than bettyaleriaterriabananafanafofescaruthannsallyjessesara the third *catches breath*

2004-04-30 [Faelover]: oh well that makes perfect sense thanks for explaining

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: anytime

2004-04-30 [Tyrana]: It's too bad bettyaleriaterriabananafanafofescaruthannsallyjessesara the third wanders away so often... I hope you find her again! If you do, tell her I love the message she wrote in my guestbook :)

2004-04-30 [kanaseria]: i will i will *grins*

2004-05-01 [RavenTalon]: I want her to join my spider wiki!How is Bob anyway?

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: You have a spider wiki?! NEAT! -ahem. yes...- Have you found Bob yet? I certainly hope so...

2004-05-01 [RavenTalon]: U want to join?Here:Go to my page and look for a spider's head...look a while above it,and...there you r!!

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: Ah! Thank you! I will certainly look into that!

2004-05-01 [RavenTalon]: lol here's a better link:Spiders should be rulers of the world

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: i found bob n she disappeared again *sighs*

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: Aw. I'm sorry. Immortal spiders must have a tendancy to be very independant. You'll find her again, I'm sure :)

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: yeah... well i hope she hasn't gone 2 far... hmm... ya know none of me freinds have met bob yet... i think it's time 2 bring her 2 school *evil grin*

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: heehee. I actually did something to that effect once in 4th grade. There were these kids picking on a spider. They were torturing the poor thing. so I put it in this little plastic box that I found with a dead bug, and kept it in my pocket. Well, apparently, it escaped during class. It was on my shirt, and my teacher saw it and freaked out. I told her my story, and she sent me to the office. Yeah. I didn't like her very much. She told me to kill the spider, but I threw it out the window when no one was watching...... and that's my story.... ^_^

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: spiders r kewl. i love spiders... cockroaches, however *shudders* grossness...

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: Yeah. My bio teacher last year had pet hissing cockroaches in his room. I was not really their biggest fan.

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: how bout i wouldn't go 2 that class... ever...

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: I don't blame you. I had to sit in this seat so they were right behind me. It really started to freak me out. I would move so part of me would cast a shadow in the tank or something, and they'd all hiss... My teacher had a tarantula, too, though. There was many a time when I was tempted to dump the cockroach cage into the tarantula cage, but I don't know if I could have brought myself to get close enough to it without completely creeping out.

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: yay spiders! eww... cockroaches *passes out*

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: Oh, no! Wake up! *helplessly fans the unconcious kanaseria* oh! what have I done! The cockroaches! The Humanity! -ahem- ...the drama of it all...

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: *snores*

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: heehee ^_^ ... dreaming about COCKROACHES?!?!... Sorry! I didn't mean that! Dream about spiders! Spiders!!

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: ahhh!!!! roaches!!!!!! *starts slamming [Tyrana] with book in her sleep* kill the roaches!!!!!!

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: ahhh!!!! roaches!!!!!! *starts slamming [Tyrana] with book in her sleep* kill the roaches!!!!!!

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: ow! OW! OW! cut that out! *realizes she may have scarred [kanaseria] for life. Gently, carefully takes the book away, out of fear of being beaten alive with a book...*

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: *wakes up* ooo... good sleep. hey ya look a little bruised...

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: heh. Yeah. Here's your book, by the way. Hooray for spiders. I've gotta go. *staggers away*

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: bye *waves* wonder what happened 2 her

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: *Staggers back* no, really. I've gotta go to bed. I'm so sleepy, and I've gotta get up early tomorrow. Thank you for the wonderful conversation (once again ^_^)... and yeah. The beating wan't exactly my shining moment, but... Heh. I'll talk you you later!! G'night!!

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: night

2004-05-01 [Faelover]: Tonight was bad...i was lying in bed reading and there was a roach on my ceiling!!! scared me to death- i hate dorm rooms! Then i chased it into the bathroom closed the door and am going to let the girls who share my bathroom deal with it- they're the idiots who leave the windows open!

2004-05-01 [Gwendylyyn]: lmao. See, I call my place a dorm, but really I live in an apartment near my college an my roomy knows that if I find a single roack I'm going to kill her....hehe. Roaches are one of the very few bugs that I do not like. I think most insects are quite neat and let them crawl on my hand or what-not without caring

2004-05-01 [RavenTalon]: Ya...roaches r gross...

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: roaches! again?!?!?! disgustin! *waves arms* vermin!!!!!!! *faints like a wuss*

2004-05-01 [RavenTalon]: *Pours cochroaches into her spider's cages* Mmmm roooaccchhhess...

2004-05-01 [kanaseria]: *twitches then sits up* bob? *looks around*

2004-05-01 [GraphicEntropy]: *feels much better today* Today is prom! I already have my hair all done up, it looks really nice. I'll try to get up some pics in my house eventually. :)

2004-05-01 [Faelover]: not good not good, the girls who share my bathroom for the weekend are gone so the roach is still in there and i need to go to the bathrooom!!!

2004-05-01 [GraphicEntropy]: Get some buggy spray. I never step on raoches...I hate that super loud crunch they make. *shudders*

2004-05-01 [Faelover]: *shudders too* yuck, the bug spray is in the bathroom and i am not opening that door and letting the darn thing back in my room! Roaches scare the living daylights out of me if i can stay out of a room it's in i will by any means necessary

2004-05-01 [Tyrana]: I guess I haven't had too much experience with roaches since last year's bio class. I live allaway up here in Western Maine. It's too freaking cold for cockroaches...

2004-05-02 [Faelover]: lucky I'm down in alabama and they grow in abundance down here *shudders repeatedly*

2004-05-02 [Faelover]: anyone there?- I'm bored

2004-05-02 [IndigoRose]: Wow, look at how many posts have been up since I've been gone

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: Ya know, they say for every roach you see, there are something like 5 more that are hiding.

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: extremely comforting, thank you.

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: No problem. ;)

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: How was prom?

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: lots of cockroaches at prom. It sucked.

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: That is... not really...

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: I was?? In what kind of place were you, then?

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: Prom was fun. Im really tired, cause it lasted till 4 in the morning. Needless to say, I skipped church this morning. (Sorry God) I think I looked really nice, and I won some prizes. A 20$ car wash, a free oil change, a backpack, a ton of candy, a cd holder and a soda. The most fun things were the helium balloons. You can guess what I was doing all of prom. :)

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: Does it have anything to do with the balloons??..... How did your dress look?

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: I didn't go to church today, either... :P My friends were going to a church in Linköping (a city some distance from here) on the afternoon, but I said no when they asked me to come with them because I was going out on a long walk. In the sun. With my minidisc. :) I'm glad I did that, cause it made me feel really good. ... And I believe God was there with me, too. ;)

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: I think God just wants people to be happy. Happiness is one of the most important aspects of life. Do what makes you happy!

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: It definately had to do with the HELIUM ballons. All night we sucked the helium out and talked to each other. I still have some upstairs. My dress was made by my mom (shes getting her masters in textile and design at UNL).It is kind of a light blue with a hint of gray. It has an empire waistline with pleats in the front, a simple beaded white lace under the bust and a long shimmery scarf. I had my hair done too, it looked awesome. I didn't even recognize myself! Sounds like your walk was nice. It's been cold and rainy here, so no park visits for me.

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: ooo. Pretty dress.

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: BTW, I have to tell you all about this REALLY fun webgame I found. Go onto Google and search iSketch. It is so fun! It like an online pictionary! It is one of the neatest things Ive found lately.

2004-05-02 [Tyrana]: ^_^ I'll be sure to look for it!

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: *LOL* I haven't done that (I mean with the balloons)... The dress sounds to be awesome.

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: Trust me, with the creativity of everyone here, we would all rock at it. Plus, they have a Fantasy and Scifi section, but no ones ever on it. We could use it, or even make our own Elfwood section!

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: *jaw drops* Youve never done that?!?!*makes note to self* Must get plane ticket to ship Easter from Scandanavia to Nebraska.

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: Hm...I wonder if a carboard box would be big enough...

2004-05-02 [RavenTalon]: I think it may!

2004-05-02 [Easterling]: *hugs my new friend* :)

2004-05-02 [GraphicEntropy]: *grins* Yay for friends!

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: whoa... damnit i knew i would miss somethin if i didn't log on last nite, n look, i missed stuff!!!! damnit damnit damnit... n wheres bob!!!!!

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: Bob!!!Where r u?!

2004-05-03 [Faelover]: WAKE UP I NEED TO CHAT AM VERY BORED!!!

2004-05-03 [GraphicEntropy]: ARE YOU? IS YOUR CAPS BUTTON ALSO BROKEN? Sorry, just kidding. ^_^

2004-05-03 [Faelover]: mean sarcastic person you lol

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: LOL Mwah!!!

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: evilness... n still no bob *sighs* o well

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: ...that is not good...

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: yeah i know. now i feel all lonely in my room (well yeah my sisters in there 2, but still) she's not bob!

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: I just added something to RavensUnitepage It's at the bottom under new chambers.It's something about letting out some steam.

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: uhh... but i'm not a raven... i'm an elf/vampire/mage/ whatever else i add... weirdness enough

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: It doesn't matter!I'm the only member with raven in my name!

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: but... if i go there bob hasta b able 2 come with me... plus no raven should eat her... or else

2004-05-03 [RavenTalon]: Alright lol!

2004-05-03 [kanaseria]: ok... i'll go check it out but if a raven even looks at bob funny... *makes slit throat motion*

2004-05-04 [Faelover]: you should have a wiki page devoted to bob

2004-05-04 [kanaseria]: hmm... thats an idea... would ya visit it? perhaps even join the fanclub? *grins cheesily*

2004-05-04 [Faelover]: of course bob rules!!!

2004-05-04 [kanaseria]: really!!!!! *grins* yay! o stupid broken scanner... can't put up a pic of bob n me but i can find a pic of bob online... yay!

2004-05-04 [Faelover]: lol

2004-05-04 [kanaseria]: hmm... now what 2 put on the bob fanclub... dunno yet *strikes the thinker pose on the table* hmm...

2004-05-04 [Dracotot]: Derren brown

2004-05-04 [RenegadePhoenix]: Welcome all who are New to FCU... :P if you have any questions feel free to ask me or some of the other 'older' members.....

2004-05-04 [RavenTalon]: Is that the wiki?Derren brown?

2004-05-05 [kanaseria]: what the wiki? huh? wait is [RenegadePhoenix] callin us old?

2004-05-05 [Wild~Fire]: ;)

2004-05-05 [kanaseria]: hi

2004-05-05 [GraphicEntropy]: Yay, I finnally got up my Elfwood account! Please visit!

2004-05-05 [RenegadePhoenix]: Some nice artwork there [GraphicEntropy] Keep up the great work! and yes [kanaseria] I'm calling you old :D

2004-05-05 [kanaseria]: but ur older than me! u must b ancient!

2004-05-05 [RavenTalon]: lol

2004-05-05 [RenegadePhoenix]: U have no idea

2004-05-05 [kanaseria]: haha! ur ancient! man, we could make ya in2 a museum attraction... lol

2004-05-05 [Paul Doyle]: *hobbles in with a walker* wait till you hit the big 3-0 and therefore an Old Fart, just like me :P :P

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: even ancient uh... er! hey grandpa, ya want some prunes? *holds up jar of prunes*

2004-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: Where's the slot machines? Where's the shin-dig? *farts but doesn't notice*

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: slot machines! gambling! yeah! lets go 2 vegas! *jumps in2 car & starts engine*

2004-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: Where's my diapers?

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: uhh... dunno... perhaps there? *points @ diapers lying on ground*

2004-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: Where's my teeth and my toupee?

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: hmm... *holds up chiklets & a racoon* these?

2004-05-06 [Paul Doyle]: <img:>

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: lol! my moms said that when i was a baby that was the first thing i ever laughed at (man i was a dumb kid)

2004-05-06 [RenegadePhoenix]: Oh dear........ I really shouldn't leave this place unsupervised for long... -looks at previous conversation- ....uhhh.. no comment

2004-05-06 [kanaseria]: hey it weren't unsupervised! i was in charge! everything was kool... except maybe when the cops came... and that half of the room caught fire... and SOMEONE TRIED 2 STEP ON BOB!!!!!!!

2004-05-06 [iplaywithfaeries]: scary unsupervised-ness

2004-05-06 [Tyrana]: OMIGOSH!!!! Who tried to step on Bob?! The monster!!!

2004-05-06 [Tyrana]: *Shakes fist*

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: i dunno, but bob said some1 tried 2 step on her

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: we must find and destroy this threat to bob!

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: i agree! who was it bob? *pulls out bob from pocket*

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: yes who? he must pay for this treachery!!!

2004-05-07 [Paul Doyle]: Any relation to Mr. Bill?

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: *bob points 2 [RenegadePhoenix]* she did it!!!! r u sure bob? *bob shakes her head* well damnit then who? *bob shrugs her shoulders*

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: come on bob don't protect them! kanaseria- bob is 2 nice

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: i dunno... maybe not nice... maybe just drunk. bob have you been in my closet again? *bob hiccups* eeps... drunk spider

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: lol

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: damni drunken spiders r no help... o well, i'll just shoot every1 untill the perpetrator comes out. *pulls out uzi* here we go...

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: wait wait *jumps behind rock*

2004-05-07 [kanaseria]: wait nuthin! *sprays bullets all over the wall* damnit... the paintball gun again...

2004-05-07 [Faelover]: lol

2004-05-08 [RavenTalon]: Bob!R u ok?

2004-05-08 [GraphicEntropy]: *shudders* Paintball guns make me nervous. I got shot point blank in the forehead once. It looked like I was growing a horn. It turned all sorts of colors and oozed blood. Not fun.

2004-05-08 [Tyrana]: ooo. I'm too much of a wimp to play paintball. I've heard too many stories, (including the one above now...) and I'm not real athletic, which would make even running away a difficult task...

2004-05-08 [kanaseria]: bob had babies in me room... my mom sprayed em all, sadly. bobd on the other hand was safe! n i found a spider in my closet, a black one! it needs a name... methinks its a guy... maybe betty. or if any1 else has any ideas

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